Urban Wellness Massage

Massage therapist treating a client.


Urban Wellness Massage offers customized therapeutic massage sessions (by a Licensed & Nationally Certified Massage Therapist) in a very relaxing and comfortable treatment studio.

From the very first time you arrive at Urban Wellness Massage, you will begin to notice a distinct difference. Once the therapists educated hands begin working to alleviate pain and stress from your overworked body, you will never have to wonder again if this is the right place for you!

At UWM your concerns will always be addressed whether you’re seeking treatment for pain management, pregnancy/postpartum, injury recovery, high stress levels, headaches or general relaxation. Time will always be taken to ensure that your concerns are heard and your problems are addressed. You will never be rushed. You will be given undivided attention during each and every session.

At Urban Wellness Massage, you never have to worry about wasting your money or not getting what you need out of your therapy sessions. If you are not satisfied with treatment, there is a always a 100% guarantee on massage sessions (or your money back)!